Diamond Calculator Math Question, Baseball Diamond?

Math question, baseball diamond? - diamond calculator

Use a calculator. Baseball is a square of 90 meters. Extent to which a receiver should be reduced to throw the ball runner to steal second base? (Round your answer to the nearest whole number).

and this picture:

http://www.webassign.net/gfialg/7-2-035. ...

the answer must be in force

Thank you!


canesrul... said...

Based on the chart:

Are distance = 127.28 feet behind home plate on the back of the second site used;

Answer = 127 feet. Rounded.

Extra Credit answer:

(1) Less:
1.77 meters (21.21 inches) = distance between the rear base of a second off the base. (Runner again base)
Days long-distance runner on the front of Total Base = 125.51 meters.
126 feet. Rounded

or less (2):
1.25 meters (15 inches) = distance behind the second base side of the base. (Case Runner on the label)
Days long-distance runner on the side of Total Base = 126.03 meters.
126 feet. Rounded

Answer = 126 feet in any way

cabo wabo said...

You use the Pythagorean theorem. a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 = c ^ 2


Feel at home Side A 1 =
1-2 basis = Side B
2 side of the building C = (hypotenuse)

90 ^ 2 + 90 ^ 2 = c ^ 2
8100 + 8100 = c ^ 2
16,200 = c ^ 2
Square (16200) = c

C = 90 m² (2)

this is a correct answer.

William B said...

90sqrt2 = 127 feet (the theorem of Pythagoras)

i luv me: ) said...

121 ft
60x2 = 120 + 1 foot = 121
(^ 6 cm. + 6 inches).

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