Ls Magazine Should A Child Be Punishment For Having Sex?
Should a child be punishment for having sex? - ls magazine
Karen L. Brauer, Pharmacists for Life (an anti-abortion group released) "See what the National Farm Animal Birth Control style that has made you: When you arrive
pregnant, he did. The man is not involved. It is not their fault. "This of course means that someone is to blame and that the fault lies with the women. Thus, during pregnancy, a punishment for sex? ... ...
The quote you up to date is flawed in several respects. Why should a woman be so stupid to believe that people are not responsible for the pregnancy and worsen other issues of parents? The sex is worthless! Occurs in nature, the people planning to do, and there is nothing wrong. Nobody should be punished for acting on natural instinct. I hate it when people always act like it a lot too -! And if something goes pregnancy - people make mistakes. While you are responsible and careful, it can be. It's like driving a car, you can be a good driver, but that does not mean that not make you crash. Abortion is a bit boring, but it is customary to be illegal. Women can not always need the support of a baby, and I personally do not think that men in the government decisions on abortion. Men are not pregnant, so why should they be able to decide? They have no basis for punishment. So this is why it seems Ms. Karend done nothing to prevent its own access to their rights? It simply makes no sense to me. Anyway, after the speech, as always, is the answer to your question is NO.
I believe that if this reasoning, because women say no, or only use an appropriate method of contraception, and the number of unwanted children or to leave in this country, then okay. I do not know everything the author says to vote in these compounds, but I'm OK, if you have a positive influence.
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