Tiki Barber Retirement Annoucement Do You Think Tiki Barber Should Come Out Of Retirement For The SuperBowl??

Do you think Tiki Barber should come out of retirement for the SuperBowl?? - tiki barber retirement annoucement

I bet he now proposes. Do you think that you've done, if not play the same again?


Robert C said...

It is amazing how far you fall in just one year. I remember that Tiki was one of the best ever, and everyone thought I was cheating the fans by retiring.

Then he opened his mouth and began to really caused great disappointment among the fans and players.

This Giant team has nothing to do with .... Tiki but it is funny, they have without him ... Tiki takes! lol

lizzee said...

Tiki has left the Super Bowl in 2000, although not winning the Giants.

Julie said...

Tiki Barber was the rotten fruit for the Giants. There have been a better team.

snakeman... said...

It may Gatorade / towel boy on the bench

what said...

I can not member of the Giants, even if he wanted.

LutherMa... said...

No Way ...
Not after they get a job as a magician of the sport and spoke of the huge trash. He should at least show good faith .... Perhaps the problem with the Giants last year is .....

LutherMa... said...

No Way ...
Not after they get a job as a magician of the sport and spoke of the huge trash. He should at least show good faith .... Perhaps the problem with the Giants last year is .....

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